It hadn't been more than a few days since Jesus had risen from the
dead, defeated the devil and all of hell with him. It hadn't been but a
few days since Jesus had looked the disciples straight in the eye and
said, "Now, you go into all the world and use My Name to cast out
devils. You lay hands on the sick and they'll recover" (see
Mark 16:15-18).
I can just imagine Peter saying, "Hey, John, you know that crippled
beggar down there by the temple? Come on, let's go use the Name on him!"
They could see themselves doing what Jesus said they could do. Their
hope was "white hot." So they went charging down to the temple and said
to that cripple, " the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up
and walk."
When they said it, they grabbed him. He had to walk, brother! They yanked him completely off the ground!
What made them do such a thing? Expectancy!
They didn't tiptoe up to that gate, look around to make sure no one
was watching and then whisper, "Dear Lord, if it be Thy will, heal this
poor crippled man."
The only people who pray "if it be Thy will" are those who don't
have any hope or expectancy. If you've been praying that way, stop it!
Go to the Word and find out what God's will is. The Word of God
is His will. It
is His will for you to be well. It
is His will for you to be prosperous. It
is His will for you to lay hands on the sick and it
is His will for them to recover.